What is a bursary?
A bursary is a monetary award that is granted on the basis of financial need. Bursaries are different than scholarships. Scholarships are merit-based and are awarded for academic achievement. Bursaries are financial-need based awards that do not have to be repaid. The intention of the undergraduate bursary program is to supplement, not replace, students’ primary sources of funding such as OSAP, government student financial assistance from another province or loan funding from a financial institution.
How to apply for bursaries?
Complete the Ontario Special Bursary Program Application (paper application format only).Ontario Special Bursaries are awarded to students with the highest need only. Not all students who apply will receive a bursary.
A bursary is a monetary award that is granted on the basis of financial need. Bursaries are financial-need based awards that do not have to be repaid. The intention of the undergraduate bursary program is to supplement, not replace, students’ primary sources of funding such as OSAP, government student financial assistance from another province or loan funding from a financial institution. Ontario Special Bursaries are awarded to students with the highest need only. Not all students who apply will receive a bursary.
Here are some links regarding information on various scholarships and financial aid for low income students from well-known universities in Ontario.
- http://sfs.yorku.ca/scholarships/
- http://www.ryerson.ca/currentstudents/awards/
- http://sfas.mcmaster.ca/scholarshipinfo.html
- http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/awards/admission-scholarships/
- https://uwaterloo.ca/find-out-more/financing/scholarships
- http://www.algomau.ca/awards/#.Ut7me9Io6Uk
- http://www.brocku.ca/webcal/undergrad/scho.html
- http://www.carleton.ca/awards/scholarships/
- https://www.lakeheadu.ca/future-students/scholarships/entrance-scholarships-awards
- http://laurentian.ca/scholarships-bursaries
- http://www.nipissingu.ca/departments/student-financial-services/student-awards-and-financial-aid/scholarships/Pages/default.aspx
- http://www.ocadu.ca/students/financial_matters/scholarship_awards.htm
- http://www.queensu.ca/studentawards/financialassistance/admissionscholarships.html
- http://www.trentu.ca/financialaid/funding.php
- http://www.uoguelph.ca/registrar/studentfinance/index.cfm?scholarships/grid
- http://uoit.ca/main/current-students/money-matters/scholarships-and-bursaries/scholarships/
- http://www.registrar.uottawa.ca/default.aspx?tabid=2859
- https://uwaterloo.ca/find-out-more/financing/scholarships
- http://www1.uwindsor.ca/future-students/page/scholarships-and-bursaries
- http://registrar.uwo.ca/student_finances/scholarships_awards/
- http://www.wlu.ca/page.php?grp_id=2548&p=11874